About the Site

Faith Statement

Find out what the author of this site and its contributors adhere to in regard to theology.

Writings that do not conform to one of the other defined categories.

These writings are either devotional in nature, or an in-depth look at a specific Bible passage.

The word “lucubration” refers to any literary effort especially of a solemn nature.

The website’s response to issues. This section appears in two formats, as a web page and as a downloadable PDF. Churches are encouraged to download the one-page papers and provide them to their congregation.

The word standpoint can mean: belief, position, mental outlook.

The websites response to opinion-makers and the glitterati. Rather than referring to Bible verses, this is a combative piece responding to statements or accusation made about the Bible or Christians.

Tyson ThorneT. N. Thorne
Site Creator and Writer

Tyson N. Thorne has a degree in Biblical Studies from Colorado Christian University and has been involved in ministry for over 30 years. He has served in high school and college ministries, lead singles ministries and retreats, served as an elder and assistant pastor, taught in colleges and seminaries both in the US and abroad, and has lead biblically-based tours across the country and in Greece and Israel.

This site was created as an outlet for Tyson’s thoughts and research on a life studying and living biblical principles and connecting with the Creator.

Tyson may be contacted for speaking engagements at info at think-biblically dot com.

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